
Tools for Social Emotional Education

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By Tools for Social Emotional Education
Caderno de atividades para o livro "O Laço que virou abraço".Material criado para você ter mais opções de trabalhar as emoções através dos contos com crianças "a partir de 9 anos. Este material foi idealizado por pedagogos e traz atividades para
Portuguese, Literature, ESL / ELL / EFL
4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, Higher Education, Adult Education, ...
Worksheets, Activities, Printables
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By Tools for Social Emotional Education
Caderno de atividades para o livro "O Laço que virou abraço" 6-8 anosMaterial criado para você ter mais opções de trabalhar as emoções com as crianças através dos contos.Este material foi idealizado por pedagogos e traz atividades para ajudar as
Reading, EFL - ESL - ELD, Portuguese
1st, 2nd, 3rd
Activities, Printables, Lesson
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By Tools for Social Emotional Education
Caderno de atividades para o livro "O Laço que virou abraço".Material criado para você ter mais opções de trabalhar as emoções com as crianças através dos contos.Este material foi idealizado por pedagogos e traz atividades para ajudar as crianças da
EFL - ESL - ELD, Portuguese, Literature
PreK, Kindergarten
Worksheets, Activities, Printables
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By Tools for Social Emotional Education
Num vilarejo distante havia muita magia... A magia acontecia quando diferentes fitas se encontravam e faziam aquele lugar ser encantador. Entre todas as fitas, a de Cetim era a que mais brilhava e também a mais curiosa. Ela queria entender seus
Education, Portuguese, School Psychology
Not Grade Specific
Lectures, Activities, For Parents
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Maria Vilela George was born in Brazil and has lived in the United States for over 20 years with her husband Deeb George III, a war veteran. She graduated in psychology from the University of São Francis in Sao Paulo, with a master's degree in Expression through Fary Tales from IASE Spain, Human Resources and International Marketing. Maria is a Mindful School Curriculum Specialist from Mindful Schools in the United States. She worked for more than 33 years in the corporate world and was a professor in the area of Organizational Psychology. Today she develops work aimed at training teachers in the Lumen Educational Method and volunteering in educational projects in Brazil and the United States that foster the development and independence of human beings. She is an international correspondent member of the Academia Itaunense de Letras. In 2019, she released her first children's storybook entitled “O Laço que Virou Abraço (Portuguese)” with the English title “The hugging Bow” which is translated into 5 different languages.


Maria believes that our lives are made of millions of stories. She is the creator of the Lumen Method, which comprises emotional education through tales and play; and the project “The emotions under different looks” which resulted in the publication of a children's storybook about the emotions “I feel what I tell. Tales that I feel.” She is a participant in several anthologies on the topic of emotions. Because she believes that children learn more when playing, she created the games “Lumen Kids: Emotional Regulation” and “Lumen: Re-writing your History” that can be used with children, young people, and adults. The memory game Lumen Kids is now in two languages: Portuguese and English.


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She also created the podcast “Dona Joaninha – Histórias para Dormir” which aims to bring the stories for children to listen to at bedtime, keep the Portuguese language alive in the hearts of children who live outside Brazil, and also spread Brazilian literature around the world. In less than 4 months the podcast has been listened to in more than 30 countries.