
Rumi Educational Facilitators

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Rumi Educational Facilitators
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By Rumi Educational Facilitators
A Comprehensive Training Manual for Educators Transform your virtual classroom into a dynamic hub of learning and innovation with our comprehensive training manual! Discover proven strategies and techniques to engage students, foster collaboration,
Classroom Management, Professional Development, Instructional Technology
Adult Education, Homeschool, Staff
Study Guides, For Principals & Administrators, Lesson
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By Rumi Educational Facilitators
This presentation highlights challenges that were faced by the ussr during the cold war
Social Studies - History
10th, Homeschool
Lectures, Lesson
Digital Download PPTX (1.35 MB)
By Rumi Educational Facilitators
Describes why the events of the Gulf mattered during world war1
Social Studies - History, Government
10th, Homeschool
Lectures, Lesson
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By Rumi Educational Facilitators
The power point gives more information on international peace collapse which is helpful resource for IGSCE History revision
Social Studies - History, British History
10th, Homeschool
Lectures, Lesson
Digital Download PPTX (0.59 MB)
By Rumi Educational Facilitators
An interesting presentation on how eastern Europe was invaded by the USSR
Social Studies - History, European History
Lectures, Lesson
Digital Download PPTX (1.27 MB)
By Rumi Educational Facilitators
The power point presentation helps the learner to be able to vividly refer to events that took place during the cold war.
Social Studies - History, European History
Digital Download PPTX (0.66 MB)
By Rumi Educational Facilitators
An engaging lesson planner template not only serves as a practical tool for educators but also as a source of inspiration and motivation to create exciting and effective lessons. It should be a visually appealing, highly customizable, and
Math, Social Studies - History, Literature
Not Grade Specific
Unit Plans, Lesson
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my 12-year teaching experience across IGCSE, IB, and CBC curriculums has been a journey of growth, adaptability, and an enduring commitment to nurturing the future leaders of our world. I look forward to the continued evolution of education and the opportunities it will bring.


In the realm of education, my teaching style is a dynamic fusion of three fundamental pillars: Project-Based Learning (PBL), Child-Centered Education, and Inquiry-Based Teaching. This unique approach places the child at the center of their learning journey, actively engaging them in the process of exploration, discovery, and application of knowledge. Let's delve into the details of this transformative teaching style: Project-Based Learning (PBL): At the core of my teaching philosophy lies Project-Based Learning. In this approach, students embark on immersive, hands-on projects that challenge them to investigate real-world problems, work collaboratively, and apply their knowledge. Projects are thoughtfully designed to be both meaningful and engaging, providing students with a purpose for their learning. Through PBL, students develop critical thinking, problem-solving skills, creativity, and a deep sense of ownership over their education. Child-Centered Education: Child-Centered Education is the compass that guides my teaching style. It places the child's unique needs, interests, and abilities at the forefront of the learning process. In this approach, I recognize that every child is an individual, and learning experiences are tailored to suit their pace and style of learning. By creating a nurturing and supportive environment, I empower students to take ownership of their education, fostering a love for learning that extends beyond the classroom. Inquiry-Based Teaching: Inquiry-Based Teaching acts as the driving force behind my pedagogical approach. I encourage students to ask questions, seek answers, and explore topics that genuinely intrigue them. By nurturing their innate curiosity, I facilitate the development of research skills, critical thinking, and a thirst for knowledge. Students become active participants in their learning journey, and this approach instills in them a sense of agency and autonomy. Key Features: 1. **Curiosity as the Catalyst**: In my teaching style, curiosity is celebrated as the catalyst for learning. I create an environment where students are encouraged to ask "why" and "how," sparking a continuous cycle of exploration and discovery. 2. Authentic and Meaningful Learning: Learning is most effective when it is rooted in real-life contexts. Through hands-on projects and inquiry-driven exploration, students experience the relevance and authenticity of their education. 3. Empowering Student Voice: I firmly believe in the power of student voice. I actively listen to their ideas, opinions, and suggestions, ensuring that their interests are incorporated into the curriculum whenever possible. 4. Holistic Development: My approach focuses not only on academic growth but also on the holistic development of the child. It nurtures their social, emotional, and cognitive skills, fostering well-rounded individuals. 5. Collaboration and Critical Thinking: Collaboration and critical thinking are integral components of my teaching style. Students are encouraged to work together, share ideas, and solve problems collectively. Impact on Students: The Project-Based, Child-Centered, Inquiry-Based Teaching Style is transformational for students. It not only equips them with essential skills for success in the 21st century but also cultivates a lifelong love for learning. Students emerge as confident, self-directed individuals who view education as a journey of exploration and endless possibilities. my teaching approach is a celebration of curiosity, a commitment to individualized learning, and a dedication to empowering students to become active, thoughtful, and engaged participants in their education.


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