

Russian Federation - Moscow City - Moscow
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Courses that develop systemic thinking in children, educate people to think. Now it is programming, robotics and TRIZ. The latter was based on systems thinking in the last century, and today it is used by almost all large companies in the world.
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By Himo
The book is intended for children from seven years old with the participation of an adult. I recommend focusing on daily regular lessons from 30 minutes to 90, at least 3 times a week.
Computer Science - Technology
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, Homeschool
Teacher Manuals, For Principals & Administrators
Digital Download DOCX (156.17 MB)
By Himo
A short cheat sheet to make innovative lesson plans based on Bloom's Taxonomy.
Curriculum & Instruction, Study Skills, For All Subjects
Not Grade Specific
Teacher Manuals
Digital Download PDF (0.09 MB)
By Himo
Full course that will be important o your students and give huge amount of value not depending on what they will be doing in the life.
Human Development, Professional Development, Study Skills
6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, Higher Education, Adult Education, Homeschool, ...
Homeschool Curricula, Printables, Independent Work Packet
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By Himo
It may help you to be more creative and be able to solve teaching contradictions in lessons way more effective.
Human Development, Professional Development, Study Skills
Not Grade Specific
Guided Reading Books
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Accomplishments: • Successfully prepared student for creative programming Olympiad based on Scratch platform • Wrote books: 1. “ScratchJR 33 ” - an introduction of game design and programming for kids 2. Cybersecurity for children: Introduction to cybersecurity 8+ 3. Homo Deus School: The first coding and project managing book for 7-8 years old students • Made 3 programming and game design online classes for kids with 24 lessons in the age of 7 - 12 • Organized English speaking club for 50 Egyptian learners in Circle Language Center in Cairo • Co-organized the 1st family makeathone for kids and parents with robotics and game design tasks with the American Center in Moscow and Russian Lego Education department • Increased the number of students from 5 groups per week up to 20 groups per week in 1.5 years by providing a high quality of lessons and by creating own unique style of teaching robotics and STEAM lessons in Edison robotics school for kids • Developed and conducted over 10 courses and workshops in the American Center in Moscow for children, parents, teachers in STEM, robotics, computer science fields Experience: • Persimmon – robotics and inventions club ( own startup ), international: 05.05.2018 - present I tested a lot of methods and models of teaching kids online and offline. The aim is to make the “Hogwarts” of robotics for future inventors. Also, I wrote the first book from 10 planned, now I and my 10 years old student are working on the second book. Persimmon is not just a startup for me, this is an idea that has a lot in common with the ideas of the American Center in Moscow where I started this path • Circle language school ( barter ), Egypt, Cairo: 28.01.2019 - 24.02.2019 It was a great experience to organize such a conversation club in Cairo and share knowledge with people who were different ages. Different topics were discussed in a month of unbelievable adventures with amazing people. • Edison robotics school for kids ( work ), Russia, Moscow: 01.04.2017 - 25.10.2018 I am so thankful to the founder of Edison. He trusted me a whole school where I felt free in using teach-technics, mix them, creating my own, and where we were going forward as a team for a long time.


Using Bloom's Taxonomy Making lesson interesting as it possible for students and informative as it possible for lessons purpose Trying to make unique individual tasks for each student depending on their strong and weak sides


It may sound not as you want to read, but the greatest honor for a teacher is identifying student's wishes, problems, feelings in realtime to help them to get ideas which they could diverse, use, synthesize and create new outcomes, find answers. That is my honor. My awards are my students. Can you imagine that most students want to learn, all they need is a teacher with a branch of skills and knowledge. Skills are pipes, knowledge is the substance inside that pipes. Unfortunately, there is a huge amount of substances, but so small amounts of high-quality pipes. All I am trying to do my best is to be a high quality pipe, to make the best mixflow of ideas, knowledge and skills.


I studied in 7 different schools and in 11 different classes in Tajikistan. In the first 2 years of school, I was homeschooling cause of health problems. Studying in different styles and different schools, where I saw the poorest and reachest education in Tajikistan, I came to the conclusion that education can not solve all problems, but it can make people think wisely, critically, and systematically. Such thinking can make people solve first of all the problems inside their brain and soul, such people can not only think about life and planet problems but solve them. I do not think that education is the key to all problems, but I am sure that education can make people at least able to solve problems more than making them (IMHO).


Skydiver (I just love the feel to be free eagle while I am jumping off the plane) startupper (teacher have to be cool - IMHO) mind healthy (thanks to golden parents that they did not put a silver spoon in my mouth, instead they do right things in the right circumstances) the happiest person (it does not mean that I do not have any problems, it means that I appreciate to be alive, to exist, to have at least a chance to try to be the best possible version of myself by surfing life difficulties)