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Survival Words and Phrases for ESL Newcomers - ESL Visuals, ESL Picture Cards

The best place to begin to support ELL Newcomers is through vocabulary and visuals. This set of survival flashcards will help you provide your students with exactly that type of support. These flashcards are great to print, laminate, and give to your newcomers to carry around with them to all classe
Original Price $2.00
Get this resource (and more!) as part of a bundle:
  1. Are you working with ELL Newcomers this year and not sure where to begin? Or did your principal just inform you that a newcomer student will be starting in your class tomorrow? These situations can cause a lot of stress and additional burden, but they don't have to! The Getting Started with ELL Newc
    Price $12.75Original Price $25.50Save $12.75
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