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Anger Management Calming Strategies & Coping Techniques for Elementary Children

This social emotional learning game will help your students “slide” their way to different calming strategies and self-regulation techniques. Students will love learning social skills and anger management strategies while using the volcano sliders to describe how they would de-escalate each situatio
Original Price $5.00
Get this resource (and more!) as part of a bundle:
  1. This Anger Bundle is packed with calm down tools and anger resources that can help kids work through and understand their anger. Included are four resources:1) Anger Monsters2) Calm Down FlipBook3) Keep Your Cool, Don't Have a Meltdown4) Anger WorkbookCheck out the information below for a detailed d
    Price $18.16Original Price $30.00Save $11.84
  2. Need social skills activities for elementary students that promote social-emotional learning and teach emotional regulation skills? Look no further; here are 130+ diverse resources designed to help you address student concerns and take your elementary school counseling program to the next level! Dow
    Price $336.74Original Price $673.48Save $336.74
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    $5.00 USD
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