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Battle of Gettysburg in the Civil War Reading Comprehension Worksheet

This passage briefly describes the Battle of Gettysburg. Students complete a chart with important information and answer 14 questions (identify and multiple choice). I've included a color and black and white version, as well as a key.INCLUDES:Article Chart for Completion14 Questions- Identify and
Original Price $1.25
Get this resource (and more!) as part of a bundle:
  1. This bundle covers many major Civil War battles (listed below). Each product gives a brief overview of the battle, asks students to complete a chart with important information, and asks some type of comprehension questions. Each individual listing provides more details on the questions and gives p
    Price $4.50Original Price $8.75Save $4.25
  2. The bundle contains 37 reading comprehension articles for the Civil War. The individual listings show preview pictures and give amounts of questions and pages for each product. Most products have both color and black and white versions. All include keys. These are great supplemental passages to e
    Price $18.50Original Price $36.75Save $18.25
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    $1.25 USD
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