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Little Red Riding Hood: Reader's Theater for Grades 1 and 2

Created by
Ms Joanne
A 3 page, 6 part reader's theater script for the folk tale Little Red Riding Hood. The parts of the mother and the woodsman can be combined to make a larger part. The ending was recently revised to having the woodsman knock out the wolf and take him away, rather than shoot him with a rifle. The s
Original Price $3.00
Get this resource (and more!) as part of a bundle:
  1. Here are 12 reader's theater scripts for common fairy and folk tales with parts for emergent, transitional and fluent Grade 1 and 2 readers. A list of approximate reading levels for each part is included as well as follow-up reader response worksheets and organizers for students to write their own f
    Price $20.00Original Price $33.00Save $13.00
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