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Place Value 3 digit Task Cards - using base 10 blocks - numbers to 1000

Help your students develop their number knowledge with these 3 digit place value task cards. This set of 28 place value task cards focuses on identifying the 3 digit numbers represented by base 10 blocks (100s, 10s, and 1s) for numbers between 100 and 099.Each task card has the base ten blocks in mu
Original Price $3.50
Get this resource (and more!) as part of a bundle:
  1. Help your students develop their number knowledge with these 2 and 3 digit place value task cards. This set of 58 place value task cards focuses on identifying either the 2 digit or 3 digit numbers represented by base 10 blocks (100s, 10s, and 1s) for numbers between 10 and 999.Each task card has th
    Price $6.00Original Price $7.00Save $1.00
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    $3.50 USD
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